
Showing posts from September, 2020

Is tradition righteousness?

 Is Tradition Righteousness?        We have seen many people follow traditions as righteousness or maybe you own think the same, but if we think deeply we can understand that traditions are nothing but methods that are followed by people in order to live their life in a disciplined mannered. However following traditions every time might make you go in a wrong path.              Traditions have methods so that people can follow them together for maintaining sociality and to create good relations. And this blindness can cause many problems which we find in our surroundings. There is no method to be righteousness, it's all about taking right decisions leaving the greediness and selfishness behind. For example It is said that killing someone is wrong, but what if our soldiers accept this life value? So does that mean our war heroes were wrong? The answer is definitly not! Killing someone in order to protect innocents or ending evil...

Anger Management

 Anger Management Anger can be used as a weapon to eliminate our problem or to create one. Many people believe one should let go of any anger which is true in some cases, but the truth is we need anger in our lives to gather power for fighting against problems in vulnerable times. There are many people who can't tame there rage while there are some who don't even know what rage is and how to use it.         We need to learn how to control our anger in order to fight against any form of injustice and to stay calm in unwanted situations.      For example, kids often prefer learning from the internet instead of sneaking out to their parents or to their teachers. This is caused by unnecessary judgement's and rage. The internet does not comment on ones learning speed and capacity whereas a person with rage problems might lose control of themselves and start yelling at the kid.     So ultimately rage could lead you to bad parenting. Rage can m...

Shortest Living Animals

5 Shortest Living Animals    We know animals like tortoise who can live up to 200 years and we even know living things like immortal jelly fish who lives just like it's name forever.But many few people know animals who only live for a day, want to know which animal it is then keep scrolling. 5 Dragon Fly (4 months) There are 5000 species of Dragonflies.Dragonflies don't live much because most likely they get eaten by spiders,birds, lizards etc. Sometimes harsh climate ans strong wind can stop dragonflies from emerging from it larvae form. 4 Houseflies (4 weeks) This irritating creatures don't live much, this might make you feel good, right? Flies who live in the house live longer than those to compare who live in the wild. Female flies can lay upto 1000 eggs in this short time of spam. That's why they keep coming guys. 3 Drone Ants (3 weeks) Drone ants are male members of ant colony. Drone ants have a lazy behavior and they don't like to complete there work. 2 Gastr...

Do Lions eat grass?

Do Lions Eat Grass? Many people get confused when they see the King of forest eating grass. But there are reason behind it. So let's see what the reasons are. So Lions are Omnivores which means they can eat both meat and grass. Some Lions often eat fruits or grass to survive in jungle, but sometimes they eat grass when they have an upset stomach which means sometimes in order to vomit they eat specific type of grass. You may have seen some dogs doing the same thing. There is not much to discuss about this topic but i though this was something worth writing about because many people don't know Lion could eat grass material.