Shortest Living Animals

5 Shortest Living Animals  

We know animals like tortoise who can live up to 200 years and we even know living things like immortal jelly fish who lives just like it's name forever.But many few people know animals who only live for a day, want to know which animal it is then keep scrolling.

5 Dragon Fly (4 months)
There are 5000 species of Dragonflies.Dragonflies don't live much because most likely they get eaten by spiders,birds, lizards etc.
Sometimes harsh climate ans strong wind can stop dragonflies from emerging from it larvae form.

4 Houseflies (4 weeks)
This irritating creatures don't live much, this might make you feel good, right? Flies who live in the house live longer than those to compare who live in the wild.
Female flies can lay upto 1000 eggs in this short time of spam.
That's why they keep coming guys.

3 Drone Ants (3 weeks)
Drone ants are male members of ant colony. Drone ants have a lazy behavior and they don't like to complete there work.

2 Gastrotrich  (3 days) 
Gastrotrich are marine microorganisms who live in marine environments. They grow up to 3 millimeters in size. They have a life circle of only 3 days.

1 Mayflies (24 hours)
This creature has the shortest life spam on Earth. They are also know as "one day insects" because of their life spam, There are 2500 species of mayflies and some of this species die within few hours being born.


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