5 Amazing Facts About Stan Lee
5 Amazing Facts About
Stan Lee
Stan Lee the father of legendary super heroes who gave us this massive universe which feels so alive and real.Stan Lee has given us characters like Spider-Man, The Avengers , The Fantastic Four,etc.So today we'll look into some amazing facts.Stan Lee
5 His Wife destroyed his typewriter
According to Stan Lee, during a argument his wife Joanie broke his typewriter that he used to write his first issues of characters including Spider-Man and The Fantastic Four."This happened before eBay.Too bad. I could've auctioned the parts and made a mint.
4 His Favorite Super Villain
According to Stan his favorite super villain was Dr. Doom. And in a interview he said that if he gets a chance to be a super villain he would love to become Dr. Doom.
3 Captain America Introduced To The Name Stan Lee
In the first week at his job at Timely Comics Lee got an opportunity to write a two page comic for Captain America in the 3rd issue. He wrote it as his pen name Stan Lee (real name-Stanley Martin Lieber).
He then wrote a full comic in issue 5th of Captain America.
2 Hulk Was Originally Grey
The printer was having a hard time to keep the color consistent.
Hulk was originally grey but due to this problem they turned him into Green.
So in the issue#2 Lee wrote "with no explanation, he turned green."
1 Lee Had Cameos In Other Than Marvel Films
We all know Lee has done cameos in almost every Marvel film what we don't know is that he has been in other films and TV series as well
For example Lee was in The Princess Diaries 2 and in Big Bang Theory.
Stan Lee had over 60 cameos for Marvel.
I hope you all enjoyed this 5 Amazing facts about Stan Lee. He has given us uncountable memories with incredible stories.We'll always remember him as father of Marvel Universe
And that being said Stan Lee will always be Excelsior!!!
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