10 Awesome Psychology Facts

10 Awesome Psychology Facts

Learning about yourself is interesting, but learning the psychology behind it is more appealing. Here are 10 interesting and awesome psychology facts about us.

1: Any friendship that started between 16 and 28 years of age is most likely to stay robust (strong and healthy) and long lasting.

2: The smarter the person, the faster he thinks, and the sloppier his handwriting is.
3: The people who gives the best advice are mostly with the most problems

4: The way we treat restaurant staff reveals a lot about our character.

5: Good morning and good night texts messages activate the part of the brain responsible for happiness.

6: Doing things that scare you will make you happier.

7: The happier we are, the less we sleep.

8: When you hold the hand of a loved one, you feel painless keenly (eager) and worry less.

9: People who speaks two languages may unconsciously change their personality while switching from one language to another.

10: Good liars are also good in detecting lie from others.

So this it, i hope you learned something and got surprised by this. Psychology is interesting and weird but it's always good to learn something new.Thank you so much for reading this.


  1. Wow it's just amazing👍
    Thank you for the facts
    I seriously didn't know about them.
    Keep writing more blogs and make us happy😊🙃.

    1. i'll keep writing these... thanks for reading


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