Movie Analysis of Spider-Man Into The Spider Verse


Spider-Man Into The Spider-Verse

Story - This film shows a 15-year-old kid who witnesses the death of Spider-Man from his world, and this happens because the main villain of this film the Kingpin tries to make a portal to other universes so he can bring back his dead family from there. In this process, the original Spider-Man sees this could destroy the neighborhood. And so he goes to stop this, but sadly the Spider-Man sacrifices his own life to stop kingpin. Miles sees this all and it has a huge impact on him. While destroying the portal Spider-Man from different universes are brought into Mile's universe. All these versions of Spider-Man come together and stop kingpin at the end. But most importantly the shy and unconfident miles starts to believe in himself and becomes the new Spider-Man.  

Movie setting

The movie shows an incredible adaptation of how a teenager is trying to find his place in this world and trying to find himself. The movie has amazing visuals and collides with the themes of comic and cartoon animations. Also, the adaptation of a teenager who is socially awkward is done so well that it feels like the main protagonist "Miles" is really living a life. The filmmakers decided to make this film in different frame rates. For example, whenever they wanted a fluid movement on the screen they used a usual 24 frames rates per second, although they tried to make some scenes play in 14 or even lower frame rates to give it a glitch type of feeling. 

Location - The film is set in the concrete jungle "New York" and it feels like the city is alive. Not only do the surroundings in the movie interact with the character but also backgrounds in the movie keeps foreshadowing the future events of the movie or other reference throughout the marvel universe.

Lighting - 

The lighting plays an important and crucial role in the movie. Many times the background shows a red and blue light tind to appreciate the classic spiderman's costume of red and blue color.


This oscar-winning movie shows why a good background score and song are so important while making a film. In a scene where Miles takes a leap of faith after struggling with new powers, he has gained he understands that there is no running from it. And that's when he jumps off a building diving straight towards the ground. An energetic and powerful song plays in the background "What's Up Danger." Not only this but the background score for a side villain named prowler really makes you feel scared and gives a sudden urgency to the scenes.

Props - Obviously there were no real props used for this movie as it is animated. But even though it's animated it had tons of detailed props in the background. For example, in a scene, Miles's friend Gyankee is reading a comic that shows multiple spidermen's interacting just like in the movie. 

Color Theory Applied - They have used color theories extremely well. We tend to think that darker colors are used for supervillains but here our main protagonist along with the other two spidermen has a black-colored costume. When they wanted to show emotional breakage they chose the color blue to show the quietness and aloneness of the scene. The main villains had a tind of their original color in the scene, for example, the prowler had an apartment mostly lighten with the color purple foreshadowing his supervillain costume. What I love is that when Miles is having weird thoughts and doubts or is feeling embarrassed his mind shows many boxes with pure colors of cyan, magenta, and yellow. 

Costume - So we have a total of six spidermen in the movie and each of them has their own unique suits. Gwen Stacy who is a ballet dancer wears ballet shoes on her spiderman outfit. Spiderman noir who is from an old timeline is completely black and white because everything in his world is black and white. Miles at the end of the movie wears a suit from the original spiderman but instead of replicating the original spidey, he chooses to paint the suit with black color and red spider logo to make his own place in the world. As we discussed miles was trying to find a place in society and when he wears the suit painted by himself shows he has found that place and he knows who he really is. 

Makeup - Makeup is not a huge part of this film, how can it be? They are all animated. But to give realism to these characters they are not portraited as perfect. As we can see Gwen Stacy has a gap in her teeth showing she doesn't have to be perfect to be beautiful. And Peter Parker from another universe has a broken nose showing how much time has passed since he has become spiderman. His broken nose and messy hairs show how much tired and frustrated he is from his life.


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